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we have available here at Spotlight Studios
Current Vacancies
We’re not looking to fill any specific vacancies right now, but please don’t hesitate to send your CV through to us and we will keep it on file.
Whilst we don’t have any availabilities at present we’re always happy for you to send through your details. We’d like to review the quality of your work (so please include a link to your own portfolio for designers / developers), you as a person, and what your aspirations are for the future.
We don’t have a sales team here at Spotlight Studios, we have grown organically through partnership, referrals and inbound based marketing techniques such as SEO, Networking and Social Media. However if you’re an ambitious individual who has a passion for websites we do pay referrals to our customers and those wanting to make a little extra on the side by recommending us. Once you hit a certain number of referrals we even pay recurring lifetime commission on some of our hosting services so you can refer once and get income for the life of the client… how cool is that!
Get in touchWhite Label
We also work with a few companies who white label our services. This has to be a good fit for both companies but if you’re interested in starting a web dev company but want a little extra help or to provide infrastructure then let’s have a chat
Let’s have a chat