Service Index
A complete list of all available services
we offer here at Spotlight Studios
we offer here at Spotlight Studios
Blockchain Domains NEW
A Blockchain/Crypto Domain helps to secure your brand identity for the future. Comparable to the “.com” boom of the 90s domain names help translate an indistinguishable address (IP or Wallet) into something more memorable.
Managed Website Hosting
Focus on your business and avoid all the web hosting hassles. Our managed hosting guarantees unmatched performance, reliability and choice with 24/7 monitoring, making Spotlight the best choice for securing your website.
Search Engine Optimisation
AKA SEO: Your website is one of the best ways to attract new customers and grow your business. But if your website isn’t optimised, isn’t being found or it dated, then you could be losing out to your competitors.
Aka PPC: Are you wanting a constantly fresh inflow of new customers? Are your Google Ads Campaigns not bringing in the desired results? Or are you simply struggling to find out how it all works and need a helping hand?
DNS Management
Your domain and it’s DNS (Domain Name System) is at the crux of your web infrastructure, translating domain names/records (including subdomains) into IP addresses so that different systems can connect.
Website Design
Looking for a website design agency that wants to grow your business as much as you do? Then look no further as our commitment to you is a promise that we’ll use our expertise to deliver you end-to-end digital growth from the outset.
2D/3D Training Videos
We provide bespoke 2D and 3D animated training videos to be used internally, or externally. We work closely with charities and the UK manufacturing industry as well as partnering with several UK universities.
3D Animation
We have a team of talented animators ready to bring your story to life. Whether you need a stylised traditional piece or photorealistic 3D animation, talk it through with us and let’s make something amazing.
3D Product Visualisation
There is no better way to demonstrate your products and how they work than an engaging, animated 3D Video. We can produce stylised or photorealistic results to match your branding and the scope of your project.
3D Walkthroughs
Whether you are selling a residential home or allowing visitors to walk through your museum we can generate 3D walkthroughs enhanced by video
Animated SVGs
Bring logos and Vector artwork to life – push the boundaries of what you thought was possible for icons, backgrounds and previously static content.
Virtual Reality
We can realise fully immersive, interactive digital environments. Let your customers connect in a way that allows them to experience your services in ways that have only recently become possible.
Blockchain Consultancy
We give advice about developing and implementing key blockchain strategies that can optimise your business. Our consultants begin by analysing the effect blockchain could have on your company and develop a plan to implement it.
Blockchain Domains NEW
A Blockchain/Crypto Domain helps to secure your brand identity for the future. Comparable to the “.com” boom of the 90s domain names help translate an indistinguishable address (IP or Wallet) into something more memorable.
Blockchain Websites
The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a decentralised file system.
Crypto Payments
Once you start accepting payments in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, XRP, Ether and others, you’ll be surprised how many advantages crypto payment options pose over conventional payment methods!
NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) are “one-of-a-kind” digital assets that can be bought and sold on a blockchain like any other piece of property, but which have no tangible form of their own.
Spotlight Pro-Sites
Pro-Sites brings powerful, specialist and customised websites in your industry at an affordable price.
360° Photography
Be more than just a dot on the map – If a picture says a thousand words, then a virtual tour is like a life experience!
Bespoke Artwork
Our team of talented artists can produce anything form logos, bespoke website assets, illutrated brochures and a variety of traditional and digital artwork.
Complete Branding
We provide a complete branding solution, everything from logo development, colour palette, typography, print and email templates and branding guidelines.
E-Commerce Solutions
Whether you are selling a single product, have a comprehensive online shop or are building on online market place; our team can set you up to succeed.
Logo Design
A great logo will help people understand your business and will set you apart from the competition.
What does your logo say about you?
What does your logo say about you?
Pay Monthly Premium Websites
We recognise the need for beautiful websites designed by professionals, without the huge overheads that usually go with them. We can offer the same expert build, hosting, service and support that you are used to at Spotlight Studios with an easy to manage monthly fee.
Website Design
Looking for a website design agency that wants to grow your business as much as you do? Then look no further as our commitment to you is a promise that we’ll use our expertise to deliver you end-to-end digital growth from the outset.
WordPress Webmaster
We recognised that customers often overlooked backup, security, monitoring and updates – essential for any website/application in the public domain.
Website Design
Looking for a website design agency that wants to grow your business as much as you do? Then look no further as our commitment to you is a promise that we’ll use our expertise to deliver you end-to-end digital growth from the outset.
Application Hosting
Whether you’re looking for somewhere to host a simple web app, or bespoke Kubernetes architecture for your auto-scaling web application, we’ve got you covered.
Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
A CDN distributes your website/application data across multiple servers and data centres all over the world. This significantly reduces load times and increases the availability of content.
DNS Management
Your domain and it’s DNS (Domain Name System) is at the crux of your web infrastructure, translating domain names/records (including subdomains) into IP addresses so that different systems can connect.
Automating deployment, scaling and management of containerised applications. The new hot-hosting technology keeping your systems online, distributed and smooth running.
Load Balancing
Distribute your data and processing across multiple servers to spread the load of your websites and applications, optimising performance.
Managed Website Hosting
Focus on your business and avoid all the web hosting hassles. Our managed hosting guarantees unmatched performance, reliability and choice with 24/7 monitoring, making Spotlight the best choice for securing your website.
Media Streaming
Rather than hosting files on your server we always recommend that you use a dedicated media streaming service.
SSL Certificates
An SSL certificate displays important information for verifying the owner of a website and encrypting web traffic. They’re no longer a luxury, they’re an out and out necessity nowadays and there is never a good reason not to have one!
Transactional Mail
Transactional email allows us to verify the sending (and often receipt) of messages sent from your application.
Article Writing
Investing in high-quality copywriting can help your business establish a strong online presence, build trust with your audience, and drive more traffic, leads, and sales to your website.
Mailchimp Management
Unlock the Power of Email Marketing with Our Expert Mailchimp Management Services.
Aka PPC: Are you wanting a constantly fresh inflow of new customers? Are your Google Ads Campaigns not bringing in the desired results? Or are you simply struggling to find out how it all works and need a helping hand?
Search Engine Optimisation
AKA SEO: Your website is one of the best ways to attract new customers and grow your business. But if your website isn’t optimised, isn’t being found or it dated, then you could be losing out to your competitors.
Social Media Management
We manage everything from the curation of content to the engagement of other social groups. Gain followers and increase customer loyalty.
Never before has an agency opened its doors to give you complete access to any service they offer under a single subscription with no hidden extras!
Website Visitor Tracking
Identify the name of the businesses that visit your website, even when they leave without contacting you. We can provide you with their contact details so that you can close those warm leads!
SaaS: Software as a Service
CRM Solutions
An effective customer relationship management tool assists with the automation of tasks, offers insights, and improves customer service.
Flexible/Remote Working
The flexibility of remote working saves time and money on several levels, creating a happier and healthier work environment benefiting employers and employees.
Low Code Integrations
Our managed low-code automation platform streamlines your business processes, reducing manual, repetitive tasks. We handle everything, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic, value-added activities.
Microsoft 365
As a Microsoft Partner we tend to recommend 365 solutions but we can help configure alternatives on request.
Cloud Security
Cloud Security provides a secure layer in between your domain and your hosting infrastructure. A CDN for speed, DDoS protection and WAF are fully managed, including your DNS to protect your website or application.
DDoS Protection
A Distributed Denial of Service attack involves sending huge amounts of traffic from multiple sources to your website/application to cause your server to fall over.
SSL Certificates
An SSL certificate displays important information for verifying the owner of a website and encrypting web traffic. They’re no longer a luxury, they’re an out and out necessity nowadays and there is never a good reason not to have one!
Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)
We all know that firewalls keep our personal and business computers safe, but ensuring that your website and web application is protected from bots and hackers alike is just as important.
Website Monitoring
We have an array of website monitoring services running 24/7 with alerts in as little as 5 minutes.
Ad Hoc Support
On demand support means that we will provide a quotation for all support ticket requests.
Support Blocks
Support blocks are our hybrid approach to support. Only pay for what you use, but commit to days at a time for a discounted rate.
Support Contracts
For ongoing projects, custom sites and bespoke applications you’ll need a more hands-on approach to support.
Website Visitor Tracking
Identify the name of the businesses that visit your website, even when they leave without contacting you. We can provide you with their contact details so that you can close those warm leads!
WordPress Webmaster
We recognised that customers often overlooked backup, security, monitoring and updates – essential for any website/application in the public domain.
Partnered With…
Various providers around the UK who either offer complimentary services to our own or use our services for their clients. These vary from on-site IT Support to Public Relations and Legal Services. If you wish to have a look or become partnered with Spotlight please click below.