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Load Balancing Optimizes 
Website and Application Performance

Distribute your data and processing across multiple servers to spread the load of your websites and applications.

Load Balancing

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Load Balancing

We’ll often use dedicated servers to balance your website or application traffic. Dedicated servers are powerful and your resources are your own.

Your website and application traffic and queries are split across multiple servers, to remove and bottlenecks and stresses of a single server.

Processing is split across multiple servers, so the network can handle multiple times the volume of users and ultimately, sales.

Even in the unlikely event of an entire server going down, the network infrastructure will automatically re-route traffic to the servers available.

As your business scales, so should your hosting architecture. We can add new servers at any point and your load balancer will automatically add the new node to the network.

During premotions, marketing e-shots or mentions in the media, your website can suddenly get high volumes of traffic. Load balancing mitigates these keeping you online and taking sales.

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Fully Managed Hardware
and Software Load Balancing

We’ll provision, install, configure, monitor and maintain your entire load-balanced hosting infrastructure.

Completing a
Project Scope

By spending 5-10 mins completing our online scoping document we can put a recommended load balancing solution together for you.

Load Balancing with Spotlight Studios

Do you need a
Load Balancer?

We’re in it for the long haul, and we hope you are too! Network architecture can be complicated, so if you need a load balancer as part of your hosting infrastructure or not, then we’re here to keep your websites and applications online.

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If you regularly hit the limits on your current hosting solution the a load balancer will help, but so might upgrading your web hosting or application hosting.

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If you cannot afford for your server to ever be offline, a load-balancer could be an excellent solution. We do also have alternative solutions available, however.

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The quicker that we can get your new system online, the quicker you can start making a return on your investment!

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If you’re not sure what you need, our friendly sales team are here to help – we’ll take a look at your current setup and make recommendations based on what you need.

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Simple, Flexible Pricing

Load balancing comes as part of a bespoke hosting solution rather than a product on it’s own so please contact us or book a call.