Globally Distributed Websites,
Applications and Media
Significantly increase the global availability of your content, reduce your website and application loading times and increase security and reliability.
Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
SSL Support
All of our CDN packages allow SSL support for your client, from basic encryption to secure forms and sensitive data, to full origin server certificates (managed by us).
Image Optimisation
Our managed CDNs can losslessly compress and optimise your images automatically – increase your website speed and make your applications more visually dynamic.
DDOS Protection
Our managed CDNs will automatically detect, protect and mitigate DDOS attacks against your websites and applications – even during the most intensive attempts.
Enhanced Security
CDNs allow us to have another layer of protection in between your clients and our servers. An additional Web Application Firewall (WAF) allows us to build bespoke rules within your specific requirements.
Additional Privacy
We can set up a CDN to hide your server IP. Combined with transactional mail means that you’ll have near complete isolation of your source server.
Dedicated Support

Seamless Integration with
Our Hosting Services
We’ve spent time perfecting our digital infrastructure, so all of our managed solutions create the perfect platform to host your applicaiton.
Fully Managed
CDN Solutions
All of our CDN products are fully managed so whether you are interested in our Standard, Professional or Business Content Delivery Network Solutions; we will look after everything from installation, setup, management and monitoring.
A CDN Package
Tailored to You
We’ll first talk through your specific needs, as well as investigating your existing hosting infrastructure.
We don’t tie our customers into a specific platform so we’ll put a small report together with our recommended solution.
Trusted By Clients
and Industry Experts Alike
We’ll Set You up
for Success
We’re in it for the long haul, and we hope you are too! A Content Delivery Network is an important part of any Business’s hosting infrastructure and we’re setup to make everything easy for you.
Internationally Fast
Because the Edge servers (these are the ones that clients connect to) are distributed all over the world, connecting and loading content is always lighting fast.
Private and Secure
We’ve talked about security a lot, but as well as protecting you from attacks, our CDNs can anonymise your server IP address so that there is less risk of attack.

Simple, Flexible Pricing
The following packages represent common packages for most of our clients, but we’ll always go through your needs on a case by case basis.
Cloud Security
Fast User ExperienceVia a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Piece of MindFrom DDoS Attacks
Secure ApplicationsSSL + Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Cloud Security
Enhanced DDoS ProtectionAI Bot analytics and management
Advanced Firewall (WAF)Fully managed custom rules
Custom Cloud ApplicationsAnalytics / Pixel / Live Chat
Cloud Security
Unique SecurityFor targeted sites
Ongoing MonitoringWith continuous adjustments
Dedicated SupportTo look into any suspicious activity