Build Trust and Protect Your Brand
SSL Certificates
SSL Certificates
Limited Validity (LV)
Limited Validity (LV) SSL Certificates are valid only for 90 days and do not come with any form of warranty. By comparison premium SSL certificates (DV, OV, EV) all have a minimum validation of 2 years and include warranties. Spotlight Studios have integrated in an automatic renewal system with our Managed Hosting Solution to negate the short validity period and include this as a free option for all our clients.
Domain validated (DV)
Organisation validated (OV)
Extended validation (EV)
ALL Manged Hosting Solutions
Come with a Free LV SSL Certificate
All Limited Validity (LV) SSL certificates are quickly deployed and offer the same level of encryption and security offered by premium solutions
Zero Cost
Just because it’s free/included with our Managed Hosting Solutions this doesn’t make it any less secure. Limited Validity (LV) Certificates are just as secure as paid certificates because of its modern security architecture and techniques.
Without the need for any 3rd Party Verification, your domain will be validated within minutes. No email validations, No renewals (you need to concern yourself with), and No additional payments.
Trusted By Clients
and Industry Experts Alike
Why you NEED
an SSL Certificate
SSL Protects Data
SSL Affirms Your Identity
Better Search Engine Ranking
PCI / DSS Requirement
Simple, Flexible Pricing
The following packages represent common choices for most of our clients, but we’ll always go through your needs on a case by case basis.
SSL Encryption
For any Hosting Solution
- Flexible SSL EncryptionVia a Top-Level CDN
- Locked, Origin SSL CertificatesAdditional Server Security
- Integrated and Fully ManagedAt the core of our architecture
Cloud Security
All inclusive web security
- Fast User ExperienceVia a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- Piece of MindFrom DDoS Attacks
- Secure ApplicationsSSL + Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Warrantied Certificates
- 2 Year ValidityIncluding Warranties
- Ideal for Payment ProcessorsProtect yourself and your customers
- Improved Customer ConfidenceIdentity is verifiable via trusted sites