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Bring your Logo to Life with Next Gen Animation

Static Logos are so last year…whether it’s changing colours or fully animated logos, we can help you stand out.

Animated SVGs

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Inspiring Leadership Foundation
Bright Light Digital

Animated SVGs

Whatever your logo we can breathe life into it, lifting it from the canvas and putting it into the forefront of your clients minds.
It’s the subtlety in life that often has the biggest impact. We’ll make your logo stand out without it being distracting.
What if you could tell a story with your logo? Adding animation allows you to show the world what you are all about with much more impact than a static image.

Our animated SVGs are a fraction of the size of the equivalent jpg image, let alone an animated gif or similar. Fast loading, fexible and broard compatability means that your brand can be represented how it deserves.

Animated logos are rare for a reason. We pride ourselves on mastering the latest tools, techniques and innovative technologies so that we can deliver state of the art imagery.

Struggling to represent your services with a vague static icon? Our animated SVGs provide your customers with a wow factor at every level.

Animated SVGs 1

Communicate Your Brand Identity with SVG Character Animation

Character animation, as well as animated background elements allows you to tell a visual narrative, as well as capturing the attention of your visitors and doubling down on your website’s wow factor.

Story Pipeline

Our team will scope out your requirements, put some rough sketches together and then build a detailed storyboard and animatic so that you have transparency and the ability to provide input throughout the creative process.

Better Credibility
Better Leads

A more professional and dynamic website means that you are more likely to make sales, receive enquiries and reduce your website’s bounce rate.

Character animation enforces your brand quality and keeps visitors engaged.

Get a Quote Today

Animation is always priced on a case-by-case basis so just get in touch with us below with a brief overview of your needs and we’ll be in touch.

Pay Monthly Websites

Animated SVG Logos/Icons

Bring your logo to life

  • Animated SVGs 2
    Creative Brand Identity
    Push your branding to the next level
  • Animated SVGs 2
    Hold peoples attention
    Animation has been shown to increase client/customer engagement.
  • Animated SVGs 2
    Tell your company’s story
    There are no limits to what you can communicate to your audience.

Order Enquiry

Animated SVG Logos

Service Enquiry Form
Please fill in the form with any additional information and a member of the team will be in touch shortly.
Premium WordPress Websites

SVG Character Animation

Scalable, responsive animated graphics

  • Animated SVGs 2
    Stunning, Creative Graphics
    Bringing your web pages to life
  • Animated SVGs 2
    Better Communicate Your Ideas
    Tell your story and put a face to promote your company identity.
  • Animated SVGs 2
    Increase your Revenue
    A modern and professional image means customers will choose you over your competitors.

Order Enquiry

SVG Character Animation

Service Enquiry Form
Please fill in the form with any additional information and a member of the team will be in touch shortly.