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Invisible Spam Protection

8th August 2017

Since the origins of the internet, the battle with spam began. In recent years the tide began to turn with the introduction of Googles reCaptcha. Over the years it has appeared in many different forms. The most universally hated seems to be the garbled, twisted, smudged words that had to be deciphered before you could proceed. Is that a “1” or an “l”- a zero or the letter “O”? Maybe you see two letters where there should have been only one. No matter how much you tilt your head, squint your eyes, and move your chair back, it was never a pleasant user experience. This obviously began to impact on the user experience causing frustration and a reduction on submissions, so the online communities demanded more.

Now that it’s finally here, and we’re definitely impressed. It works like a dream, and the vast majority of users will never even know it’s there, except for those rare occasions when your mouse movements are particularly robotic and you see the image challenge. Get in touch today to find out about reducing spam and adding Invisible reCaptcha to your forms today.

Version 1

recaptcha V1

Version 2

recaptcha V2

Version 3

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8th August 2017
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