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Upcoming Changes to Microsoft Teams Rooms Licensing Policy Effective October 1, 2023

12th September 2023

As part of Microsoft’s ongoing initiative to enhance the Teams Rooms experience, there will be crucial updates that impact Microsoft Teams Rooms licensing that will take effect on October 1, 2023. Here’s what you need to know to prepare your customers for a seamless transition.

Summary of Changes:

Starting October 1, 2023, all Teams Rooms devices, including those in Personal Mode, as well as the Teams applications on Surface Hub and Teams Panels, will require a valid Teams Rooms license for sign-in.

License Options:

To ensure continuous service, you’ll need to opt for one of the following Teams Rooms licenses:

  • Teams Rooms Pro
  • Teams Rooms Basic (max 25 devices)
  • Teams Rooms Premium
  • Teams Rooms Standard
  • Teams Rooms Shared Device License (panels only)

Special Conditions:

If you have deployed Teams Panels to spaces where there’s no Teams Room or Surface Hub, you will need to provision a Teams Shared Device license. Additionally, to leverage AI-powered cross-platform device management through the Pro Management portal, a Teams Rooms Pro or Premium license will be mandatory.

Next Steps:

You have ~19 days left to act! Start collaborating with your internal IT person immediately to avoid any service disruptions when these changes are implemented on October 1, 2023.

How We Can Help with the new Microsoft Teams Rooms Licensing?

We understand that these changes may raise questions and concerns. The good news is, we’re here to help.

What You Need to Do:
  1. Reach out to discuss the new licensing options.
  2. We’ll provision and activate the appropriate Teams Rooms license before the October 1st deadline.
How Spotlight Studios Can Assist:

We offer a range of services to facilitate this process, including Microsoft 365 services which you can explore here.

Need More Help?

If you encounter any issues or need personalised guidance, you can raise a support ticket and our team will be happy to assist you.

For more detailed information and resources, consult the official Microsoft announcement.

Has something in this article peaked your interest? We’re never more than a few clicks or a quick call away so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

12th September 2023
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