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Winners Of The 2020 Certificate of Excellence Award!

6th January 2021

Bark initiated the Certificate of Excellence Award in 2020 with the objective of acknowledging those professionals who consistently strive to deliver top-notch service to their clientele. This recognition hinges on three primary considerations:

  • Customer Feedback: To be eligible, businesses must receive favourable feedback through multiple channels, not limited only to their Bark account, but also including social media platforms and websites.
  • Promptness in Response: Eligibility criteria also demands that businesses exhibit an impressive response speed, addressing queries in less than 12 hours.
  • Profile Detailing: An eligible business must achieve a high rating on their Bark profile by ensuring it is comprehensive and helpful to their customers.

At Spotlight Studios, we maintain that an expanding online visibility is key to fostering trust with our clients. We diligently work to ensure that potential customers receive all the necessary information and guidance they need for an educated decision-making process. Our Bark profile, with a 5-star rating and an impressive average response time of 8 minutes, allows for immediate engagement, facilitating scheduling for complimentary consultations or gathering more details about your project via email.

Spotlight Studios

The certificate of excellence award was later replaced with their ongoing profile badges that need a constant upkeep of your reputation in order to keep. We’re proud to have also been awarded these badges in subsequent years.

Spotlight Studios

Spotlight Studios

Spotlight Studios

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6th January 2021
Winners Of The 2020 Certificate of Excellence Award! - Avatar
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