Less is More
When you are designing a site, you may feel tempted to try and add more ‘stuff’. Our clients often request more ‘stuff’ which can include more buttons, pop-ups, adverts and social feeds to their sites amongst others. If you want to add more to your site then that is absolutely fine (and we encourage you to!) but if you add too many things on one page – especially the home page, then this can go against you. You may result in a website that site is cluttered and you may also find that your visitors are confused by the layout of the site. Either way it’s going to make your website less effective and put people off returning. Take your navigation bar for example. You may have 10 links on there and your visitors may take quite a long time to decide which one they actually need. If you bring those options down to 6 then you will be able to give your customers a better experience and this is something you should keep in mind when planning the website structure.
It is really important to make sure that your website is as effective as it can be so you will want to take some time to plan out your site well and make sure that everything is laid out properly, easy to navigate and ultimately provides an excellent user experience for your visitors. Remember that the purpose of your page is everything and instead of trying to make it look big and exciting, stick to your purpose and always make sure that you take away anything that clouds the point you are trying to make.
Of course, having a blank site isn’t any better but by keeping these points in consideration you can be sure to get the best possible results and this is the best way for you to make your site as clean and efficient as possible.
If you’d like to talk to about any of these points please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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