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New Bradford Office in re:Center!

8th March 2015

About the Space

re:centre is an exciting and dynamic space with a unique design which has achieved the highest BREEAM rating – Outstanding. This is the world’s leading design and assessment method for sustainable buildings.

Environmental features in the re:centre include:

  • Natural ventilation
  • High levels of insulation
  • Photovoltaics and air source heat pump
  • Biological materials such as hemp and timber have been used as the basis for the main structure


What brings us here?

Originally studying here many moons ago, we’ve always been invested in Bradford and now that we also teach at the university, office space near the campus seemed like a no-brainer.

Keep an eye out for Spotlight Academy training sessions and workshops on various digital technologies including building simple and effective digital CVs. We also provide one-to-one training sessions so if you’d like to brush up your skills or find out more information about upcoming events please contact us.

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8th March 2015
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