Spotlight Studios Partner with DGL Web Design
In one of the most exciting pieces of news in 2017 Spotlight Studios have partnered with DGL Creative to offer services to their existing clients due to them closing down this side of the business. David is a very talented designer and has over 18 years’ experience in the graphic design and web industry. We have had the fortune of working with him over the last 12 months and are delighted to welcome DGL customers over to the Spotlight Studios brand. We are well-positioned as a company to support all their business requirements and take them forward as they grow.
David has been working on his new business Trappd which we’re proud to have been a part of. The business has seen tremendous growth over the last 9 months and he has recently launched his second premises in Northampton. Having had first hand experience at Trappd (Corby) I can highly recommend a visit and it’s definitely the best escape room experience I’ve ever had out of the 4 I’ve been to.
We wish David all the best in his new business venture and look forward to the continued growth of Spotlight Studios.
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