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How can you move from face-to-face training to distance learning?

26th March 2020
Distance learning is likely to be an important part of the training, learning and educational markets in the coming months, maybe the coming years.

If you are in the training, learning or education industry and this affects you, then get in touch with to see how we can help you move forwards effectively and in the most appropriate way for your clients / students.

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution and depending on your needs you might be looking at a few different solutions running in parallel with each other – book a call with us and we can help you find the best direction.

Delivering training courses online using the cloud or on from own website

There are several ways of delivering content – live webinars, live conferences and recorded videos – we have the expertise to discuss off the shelf solutions as well as your own LMS (Learning Management System) built directly into your website.

We are Microsoft partners and highly recommend Office 365 but there are free options, too if you are willing to reduce the scope of your requirements – just give us a call to find out more.

Digitising your training / learning resources into effective, eye-catching animated videos

One often overlooked weakness of online training / learning resources is that whilst the content might be the same, your lose the human element and this translates into a less stimulating and therefore less engaging experience for your audience.

Your content can be converted into smart, animated videos to hold your audiences attention and increase the effective delivery of your material. This can be done entirely, or in parts – breaking up other text and images that make up a lesson. Our team consists of current University lecturers, training professionals and educators so if you are in any doubts, we can work with you to build the lesson / course in an effective way to reduce fatigue and keep attention high.

Creating online courses that you can sell independently, or make available to existing and new customers via subscriptions.

Our platform allows you to set your own LMS up in a simple and effective way. Using WordPress as the backbone we can build a website that works exactly to your requirements, whether you are training internally or externally, offering resources on a per-course basis or as a subscription. We can even build in group leaders that can monitor the progress of the rest of the group.

Has something in this article peaked your interest? We’re never more than a few clicks or a quick call away so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

26th March 2020
How can you move from face-to-face training to distance learning? - Avatar
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