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Newly Enforced Gmail and Yahoo DMARC Requirements for 2024

14th February 2024

In an era where email security has never been more critical, the introduction of Gmail and Yahoo DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) mandates for bulk senders marks a pivotal moment in the digital communication landscape. With the enforcement of these protocols beginning February 2024, understanding and adhering to these new requirements becomes imperative for businesses and organizations worldwide. Reflecting on our insights from May 2022, as discussed in “What Are DKIM Records and Why You Should Use Them,” we have long recognised the significance of robust email authentication measures.

This article aims to navigate you through the maze of updated DMARC requirements, offering a clear explanation of the DMARC protocol and providing actionable steps to ensure compliance. By demystifying the complexities of email security, we aim to enhance your email security posture, preparing you to meet the new standards set forth by Gmail and Yahoo confidently.

What is DMARC and Why is it Important?

DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance, a protocol that protects email domains from unauthorised use, or email spoofing. It authenticates emails against DKIM and SPF standards, providing an additional security layer.

Specific DMARC Requirements by Gmail and Yahoo

Starting February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo will impose DMARC policies on bulk senders, those who send over 5,000 emails a day. This measure aims to enhance email security and reduce spam by ensuring that emails are authenticated via DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) or SPF (Sender Policy Framework) standards.

How to Meet Gmail and Yahoo DMARC Sender Requirements in 2024?

Implementing DMARC for your domain, whether you’re using Gmail or Yahoo for sending emails, follows a similar process. Here’s a simplified 7 part step-by-step guide that applies to both:

Step 1: Verify DKIM and SPF Setup

  • Gmail: Ensure you have DKIM and SPF records set up for your domain through your Gmail admin console.
  • Yahoo: Make sure DKIM and SPF records are correctly configured in your domain’s DNS settings for emails sent via Yahoo.

Step 2: Create a DMARC Record

  • Draft a DMARC TXT record for your domain. This includes specifying your policy (p=none, p=quarantine, or p=reject) and reporting email ( View example below.

Step 3: Publish the DMARC Record in DNS

  • For both Gmail and Yahoo, add the DMARC TXT record to your domain’s DNS settings under, where “” is replaced with your actual domain name.

Step 4: Start with a Monitoring Policy

  • Initially set your DMARC policy to p=none to collect data on your email sending practices without affecting email delivery.

Step 5: Analyse DMARC Reports

  • Review DMARC reports sent to the specified email address in your DMARC record to identify and resolve any issues with email authentication.

Step 6: Adjust Your DMARC Policy

  • Based on your findings from the DMARC reports, adjust your policy to a more restrictive setting (p=quarantine or p=reject) as needed to enhance security.

Step 7: Regularly Review and Adjust

  • Continuously monitor DMARC reports and update your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings as necessary to maintain secure and effective email delivery.

By following these steps, you can implement DMARC for your domain to improve the security of emails sent via Gmail or Yahoo, helping to protect against phishing and spoofing attacks.

Need Help setting up DMARC?

If you’re making a new enquiry, contact a member of our team (Or call us on 0800 689 3652), and we’ll be delighted to assist you. If you’re an existing client, please reach out to your dedicated account manager or raise a support ticket.

Best Practices for DMARC Configuration

  • Start with a monitoring policy (p=none) to understand your email ecosystem.
  • Gradually move to a quarantine policy (p=quarantine) and finally to a reject policy (p=reject).
  • Regularly monitor and analyse DMARC reports to authorise legitimate email sources.

Benefits of Complying with DMARC

Compliance enhances the sender’s domain reputation, reduces phishing attack risks, and improves email deliverability. It also offers insights into email channels, helping to identify and resolve delivery issues.

Impact on Email Senders and Receivers

For senders, particularly those who send bulk emails, compliance with DMARC policies is essential to avoid emails being rejected or marked as spam. Receivers will benefit from reduced spam and phishing attempts, ensuring a safer inbox.

Challenges in Implementing DMARC

Setting up DMARC records, interpreting reports, and authenticating all legitimate email sources can be challenging, requiring continuous management and adjustments.

Interpreting DMARC Reports

DMARC reports are crucial for identifying unauthorised domain use and taking corrective actions.

Ensuring Successful Email Delivery

Regular updates to SPF and DKIM records, monitoring DMARC reports, and engagement with email service providers are key to successful email delivery.

Resources and Tools for DMARC Implementation

While tools such as Dmarcian and services like ChatGPT can be invaluable in checking your DMARC records and assisting in the formulation of an effective policy, it’s important to note that we do not endorse nor are we affiliated with these providers. They are mentioned here as examples of the resources available to help you understand and implement DMARC more effectively. Always conduct your own research to find the tools and services that best meet your specific needs.


The enforcement of Gmail and Yahoo DMARC requirements in 2024 highlights the critical role of this protocol in fortifying the email ecosystem. As these requirements approach, it is essential for organisations to not only understand but also proactively implement these measures to bolster their email security posture. Starting the DMARC implementation process sooner rather than later cannot be overstressed, as it provides ample time to navigate any complexities and avoid potential compliance issues. Should you require assistance or have questions about navigating these new requirements, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at At Spotlight Studios, we’re committed to ensuring your email communication channels are secure, compliant, and optimised for the future.

A few additional points:

  1. Can DMARC improve email deliverability? Yes, by implementing DMARC, senders can improve their email deliverability. DMARC helps in authenticating emails, which in turn can increase the likelihood of emails being delivered to the recipient’s inbox rather than being marked as spam or rejected.
  2. Does implementing DMARC impact email marketing campaigns? Implementing DMARC can have a positive impact on email marketing campaigns by enhancing the sender’s reputation. A good reputation can lead to higher engagement rates, as emails are more likely to reach the inbox of the recipients, ensuring that marketing messages are seen by the intended audience.
  3. Is there a cost associated with implementing DMARC? Implementing DMARC itself is typically free, as it involves adding records to your DNS, which is a part of your existing domain management. However, organisations may incur costs if they choose to use third-party services or tools for managing and analysing DMARC reports or require professional assistance for setup and ongoing management.
  4. How quickly can DMARC take effect after implementation? DMARC policies can start taking effect as soon as the DNS changes propagate, which can vary but typically occurs within 48 hours. However, the full benefits of DMARC, including improved email deliverability and security, may take longer to realise as domain owners adjust their policies based on analysis of DMARC reports.
  5. Do DMARC policies affect all emails sent from a domain? Yes, DMARC policies apply to all emails sent from the domain that has the DMARC record published in its DNS. This includes emails sent from all subdomains unless a specific DMARC policy is set for a subdomain.
  6. Can DMARC alone guarantee email security? While DMARC significantly enhances email security by preventing email spoofing and phishing attacks, it should be part of a comprehensive email security strategy. This strategy should also include technologies like SPF and DKIM, regular security training for employees, and other cybersecurity measures to protect against a wide range of email-based threats.

Example of a DMARC Policy

v=DMARC1; p=none;;; fo=1; adkim=r; aspf=r;

Breaking down the components:

  • v=DMARC1: This indicates the version of DMARC being used.
  • p=none: The policy applied to emails that fail the DMARC check. Other options include quarantine (treat the email as suspicious) and reject (block the email). Starting with none is common for monitoring and collecting data without impacting delivery.
  • This specifies where aggregate reports of DMARC failures should be sent. These reports provide summaries of the emails checked and whether they passed DMARC evaluation.
  • This specifies where forensic reports of individual failed messages should be sent. Forensic reports are more detailed and include information about specific failures.
  • fo=1: This option dictates when reports should be sent. 1 means to generate reports if either SPF or DKIM fails. Other options include 0 (generate a report if both fail) and d (generate DKIM failure reports), among others.
  • adkim=r: Alignment mode for DKIM, where r stands for relaxed and s for strict. Relaxed allows partial matches (e.g., subdomains), while strict requires an exact match.
  • aspf=r: Alignment mode for SPF, with the same r (relaxed) and s (strict) options as DKIM.

This record is an example of a starting point for implementing DMARC, focusing on monitoring and reporting without affecting email deliverability. Over time, based on the analysis of reports and identification of unauthorized email use, the domain owner might adjust the policy to quarantine or reject to enhance security.

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14th February 2024
Newly Enforced Gmail and Yahoo DMARC Requirements for 2024 - Avatar
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