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Next Generation Cloud Hosting

7th March 2016

Have you ever considered the thought of cloud hosting? Maybe you have been thinking about shared cloud hosting but you’re not quite sure if it is a viable option for you? Either way, it is a great way to make sure that your site is protected and when you do host your company website on a cloud, you will be putting it on an extensive network instead of a single server.

The (old) limitations of shared hosting

When people discuss shared hosting platforms they are usually talking about a number of websites (hundreds or even thousands) sharing the same resources on a single server. This means that the performance of your website depends greatly on it’s co-websites and if one of those is particularly hungry, then it can draw resources away from your website.

A better, cloud solution

Cloud hosting works using clusters of servers in unison to distribute your website across the network so that if requirements fluctuate across different websites, the system can compensate accordingly calling on additional clusters to deliver power when it is needed ensuring that both the hungry website and your website run quickly and efficiently. This network solution also increases the reliability of the system, so that if a single server goes down, your website still stays online. Whilst reliability and uptime are still greater on our managed VPS or Dedicated servers we are so confident with our cloud hosting that it comes with a 99.9% SLA.

In short, because cloud servers don’t rely on individual server power, databases or other websites to power yours, you can get faster loading speeds as well as an increased level of reliability.

WordPress Hosting

Cloud hosting is great for WordPress websites, however, it does reply on the WordPress developer/website designer knowing what they are doing. The website configuration itself can be the difference of loading in a split second or four seconds. As Google now ranks sites based on the performance, fast loading times are essential for both SEO and for user experience.

So as you can see, cloud hosting has certainly advanced over the last couple of years and you might be surprised at how much it could benefit you (and how little it can cost).

Levelling Up

For the next level of performance, we also have VPS, Hybrid and Dedicated servers available for websites that have particularly heavy traffic or bespoke on-site processing requirements.

To find out more about any of our hosting plans just get in touch and we can help you find the perfect package to meet your needs

Has something in this article peaked your interest? We’re never more than a few clicks or a quick call away so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

7th March 2016
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