Hope for the best, plan for the worst! Backup and Security
You have probably heard a lot of people talk about how important it is to have good backup and security for your hard drive and computer in case something goes wrong, but at the end of the day, the same concept applies to your site as well and there are plenty of things that you need to look out for.
Bad things can happen
Unfortunately, bad things can happen. Websites are attacked every single day and although measures can be taken to help prevent these whether it’s that your site is attacked by a malicious script, spammed or even directly attacked for its data or to commit fraud.
It is not just hackers and spammers you need to worry about. Hosting companies can experience outages, floods, electrical problems and more. If your only backup is located within the same data centre, any major incident that occurs there could mean that your website and the backup of your website are lost. This effectively drops the value of your website to zero.
And let us not forget about human error 😉
Hackers are all over the web. They usually use their skills to try and steal credit card information but a lot of people choose to hack sites because it proves how good they are, and it may even cause a bit of trouble as well. It doesn’t matter how big you are or how much security you have, things can happen at any time and by having a website backup in place, you can be sure to make a difference.
Minimising Damages – Backup and Security
If you log into your site one day and you are greeted with an error, time again then you will probably get a sinking feeling in your stomach. The feeling that tells you that something is wrong, and before you know it, you come to terms with what has just happened. If you don’t have a website backup in place then this could mean serious problems for you later down the line and for this reason, it is always important to make sure that this is the case.
One way to keep your website more secure would be to keep up to date with all the latest WordPress updates, but at the end of the day, this can only do so much for your security and if something catastrophic should happen then you might not be able to protect yourself against it. All of our Webmaster packages come with daily snapshot backups but If you don’t have a website backup in place then it might be a good idea to contact your agency to get one sorted.
For more information about backup and security or to see how we can help keep your website fast, backed up, secure and up-to-date please don’t hesitate to get in touch today
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