Does Google like your website? Free SEO Audit
If you aren’t sure whether Google likes your site or not, then it may be a good idea to get a free SEO audit. A few years ago, Google released a Page Speed tool and this was fully designed to help you know how fast your pages can load. Now, another update has been released by Google and if your site isn’t mobile optimised then you could risk losing your ranking altogether. Of course, you also run the risk of your site actually being mobile optimised, but Google might not even know about it. The GoogleBot will decide whether or not your site is mobile friendly and this can make it a little more difficult to get your site back on track.
The main problem is that GoogleBot can’t detect that your website, for example, has been redirected to, so even if you do have a mobile optimised version of your site, if you are redirecting then you could still be in trouble and on top of this, you won’t be getting much mobile traffic to your site either.
So how do you sort this out? You should use another tool, as opposed to the main WooRank tool. This will help you to understand how mobile-friendly your site is as well as showing you how fast it can load up as well. By going for a free SEO audit, you can find out whether there are important files or features that are inaccessible by Google and by doing this, you can be sure to find out whether or not your site is on the right track when it comes to optimisation. Most of the time, you don’t need to pay for this service either, so it really is worth a try.
Get in touch today to get a Free SEO Audit to see how we can help you.
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