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Spotlight Earn Top Website Status in the Global Economics Awards

24th November 2022

Spotlight Studios are proud to announce that we have earned the “Top Website in 2022” badge in the recent TGE Awards. For any regular visitors of our website, you may also remember we recently won “Most Creative Digital Agency 2022” by SME News. So, what are Spotlight Studios doing differently this year in order to gain more notoriety online? Well earlier this year we completely rebranded and published a global press release providing us with more coverage both in the UK and internationally. We took time on our website copy, listed all our services and began putting in more effort to write about our customer stories. Our website not only performs exceptionally well from speed and security perspective it is also highly optimised for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Where SEO is highly competitive (thus taking longer to rank) or deemed unlikely to provide us with an ROI we complement our organic presence with some Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising in various locations (such as Bing, Google, and/or Social Media).

How did we qualify for the TGE Awards?

The Global Economics Awards identifies business enterprises that put their hard work into foraging the best work culture towards their regional and global economies. The Global Economics Awards program serves as the epitome of the perseverance and credibility of its recipients. We recognize the best market players in the realm of their business. This program aims to motivate and bolster the confidence of business enterprises. We advocate professionals across the globe, irrespective of their business domain.

  1. First, a list of all websites within this sector were created by the TGE. The data came from various data sources such as online directories and CMS systems (WordPress, Blogspot, etc.). Newspapers, trade magazines, portals and foreign websites were sorted out from the list of candidates.
  2. From the remaining websites, all websites that published less than 5 posts per year were removed. In addition, websites with very low monthly traffic were sorted out. (This goes a long way to providing a “case in point” of why it’s important to post regular updates to your website).
  3. The remaining websites were reviewed by TGE-experts using objective and subjective criteria. The research catalog contained features in 4 categories (below). A points system was then used to determine the winners of the survey.

The Evaluation Criteria

The badge is given after an evaluation in four different areas:

UX / Usability

  • Is the design and structure of the site pleasing?
  • Is the website programmed in a functional way?
  • Is the search function practical and is there an autocomplete?

Privacy and security

  • Is personal data only collected, processed, used and passed on to third parties to the extent legally permitted or to which the user has given consent?
  • Is information on the use of personal data provided in an understandable and accessible form?
  • Is there information on data security (e.g. SSL)?
  • How trust-inspiring is the website?
  • Is there an imprint and a data protection statement and, if so, are they linked on the homepage?

Information content and research

  • To what extent are the posts researched?
  • Are there audiovisual elements (images, graphics, videos)?
  • Is the content professionally produced?
  • Who manages the website?
  • How long has the website been running?
  • How popular is the website?

Services and communication

  • Is there interaction with readers (e.g., in comments)?
  • Does the website offer other services (e.g., e-books or online courses)?
  • Does the website have social media channels?
  • How many followers does the website have on different platforms?

Results and criteria

Points: 36/40

“You have earned 36/40 in our annual website review study (The TGE awards) and thus qualify for our “Top Website 2022″ award”
Johann Krger


Spotlight Earn Top Website Status in the Global Economics Awards 3

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24th November 2022
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