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The Importance of Blogs

23rd November 2015

If you own a website then you will certainly understand the importance of having a quality ranking. It doesn’t matter whether you own a local coffee shop or a corporate e-commerce store with thousands of products, your ranking on Google will determine how many customers you get and how many people visit your site, not to mention that it could also decide whether or not you’re successful in the world of internet marketing.

Get all of the love!

Google loves fresh content, in fact, all search engines do! Of course, it can be difficult to change your website content on a weekly basis, and this is where blogs come in. Blogs allow you to optimise certain keywords for your business while also helping you to increase your ranking. This is vitally important, especially if there is a lot of competition in the field. After all, if your rivals are ahead of you on the ranking system, they will most likely be getting most of your traffic, and this is something that you want to avoid at all costs.

A little often is the key

By posting just once a week, you can help to avoid all of this while also making sure that your customers have plenty of reading material when they visit your site. Your blogs can be about anything and everything, and they can be written in any tone and style so you can have complete creative control over your site and the impression that you leave on your customers.

So do you want to see an increase in your ranking? Maybe you just want to get ahead of your competition, either way, blogs are certainly the way forward and they can really work wonders for your business and your site.

There’s no time like the present

Why not start a blog today? By posting just once a week, you too could be among the top companies on Google!

Helpful Tools

Our Spotlight Social Media Management Tool can help you spread your blog posts out into the ether with ease and even help advise you on the most effective time to publish. Sign up for free and see what other benefits a centralised tool might have for your business.

To discuss how we can help you setup, layout and even write the content of your blogs contact us today.

Has something in this article peaked your interest? We’re never more than a few clicks or a quick call away so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

23rd November 2015
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