Vulnerability Updates now available
As an add on to our WordPress Webmaster support we are now offering specific vulnerable updates as an add-on to our Webmaster service.
For just an extra £25/month+vat (or £250/year+vat) we’ll lock down your WordPress plugins, themes and core files from known security exploits which, combined with the resilient hosting, backup, security and monitoring services that makeup WordPress Webmaster Support make Spotlight Studios one of the most robust WordPress platforms available.
What are vulnerability updates?
Updates are usually a mix of security, functionality and efficiency but sometimes there are specific updates released to patch a known vulnerability within the plugin that might put your website at risk. These vulnerabilities should be updated as soon as possible before this weakness is exploited – a known vulnerability is one that has been publicly released and puts any website that uses it at risk.
How do we do it?
As part of our Webmaster support, we perform ‘Safe Updates’ on your website. This means that we’ll take a backup of your website before we start updating anything and if we detect any issues during or with the website process we’ll roll back the website and investigate further. If you are already using our Managed WordPress Website Hosting then this process is even more seamless.
How soon will your website be updated?
We’ll ensure that vulnerabilities are patched with 72 hours of becoming available. These may include WordPress, Plugin or Theme updates however any other files that are also out of date will be updated on the next regular schedule.
How do I know if this is for me?
This add-on goes particularly well with our Quarterly or Monthly updates as it ensures a balance between the general security and maintenance that regular updates provide with the additional peace of mind that if anything that any recognised threats are immediately patched. We find that most clients that are interested in our vulnerability updates also see value in services such as our Content Delivery Network (CDN) which includes DDOS protection and provides significantly greater security for your website.
More Information
Please get in touch if you have any questions about this add-on whether you would like to add it to your existing WordPress support or maintenance plan or start a new WordPress Webmaster Support package for your website.
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